CRP Services
Services offered by the Collegiate Recovery Program
- A safe, confidential, and designated space for students who are in recovery, struggling with addiction, or curious about reducing their substances or learning more about recovery.
- Weekly support groups for those struggling with addiction and/or in recovery. (Mondays at 1 p.m./Thursdays at 4:30 p.m.)
- Weekly support groups for those who have loved ones struggling with addiction. (Mondays at 11:30 a.m./Thursdays at 3 p.m.)
- The CRP room (Holy Family Hall, Room 113) will be available for students to stop by, grab a cup of coffee, explore the recovery-based literature, and speak to a volunteer who will be present to answer any questions students may have about the CRP and recovery.
- The CRP will host an annual recovery-based event. The event will focus on breaking the stigma of addiction, treatment, and recovery. We will have speakers and numerous agencies to enhance our knowledge and resources related to addiction and mental health services.